Hbe dos mos manual

Kilby Welterweight Posts: Hey I hop you caught his tailbone with your toecap. Oh yeah, had the pedal is working out well too. TwilightOdyssey Guest. Way to go, Johnny!! The Dos Mos is a kickass pedal! I did this at a gig on Friday The real secret weapon on the Dos Mos is the active buffer circuit!

Also, if you wanna dial in some killa chimey clean tones with your single coils, get the CPR compressor. You won't regret it! Quote from: TwilightOdyssey. Elliot Welterweight Posts: Quote from: Elliot. Quote from: Johnny Mac.

It's really a different animal from the Dos Mos, in both sonics and flexability. What's the difference? I realise that the dos mos is kind of like two uno moses or maybe it's not , but how does that affect the tone etc.? By continuing to use Reverb, you agree to these updates, and to our cookie policy. Learn More. Listings Price Guide Reviews. Featured Listing. Buy Used.

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