High rise building construction safety manual

If you know that a fire is burning and are about to leave your apartment, feel the door with the back of your hand. If your door feels warm or hot to the touch within five seconds, this indicates a dangerous fire condition in your corridor.

Try to breathe normally and stay calm; staying calm during an emergency can save your life and the lives of those around you. Natural human instinct will make you want to run out of your apartment as soon as possible, but there are certain steps you should take before leaving. If the corridor is safe, you should alert everyone on the rest of your floor of the presence of the fire.

You should close your apartment door without locking it and then carefully make your way to the nearest stairway. Under no circumstances should you use the elevators. No two high-rise buildings are alike. There will most likely be fire hose adapters and fittings located somewhere within your building as well as fire extinguishers, exits, and stairways. Knowing your building can be the difference between life and death. The key to fire safety is having a proper contingency plan, being prepared, and having the ability to stay calm even in a stressful situation.

No one is ever expecting a high-rise fire, but there are things that you can do to ensure that you are as prepared as possible for one.

This way, you can notify the authorities, alert others in your high-rise building about the fire, and get to safety. If you take the necessary steps toward preparing for the possibility of a high-rise building fire, you will be that much more able to respond appropriately should the situation ever occur.

Being prepared and vigilant are the keys to fire safety. Alfonso Gonzalez is a freelance writer based in Malibu, California. He spent 25 years in the construction industry, working roofing, plumbing, electrical, and more before retiring.

In his free time, he likes to work on home repair projects. Never prop stairway or other fire doors open. Learn your buildings evacuation plans. Make sure everyone knows what to do if the fire alarm sounds.

Plan and practice your escape plan together. Be sure your building manager posts evacuation plans in high traffic areas, such as lobbies. Learn the sound of your building's fire alarm and post emergency numbers near all telephones. Know who is responsible for maintaining the fire safety systems. Make sure nothing blocks these devices and promptly report any sign of damage or malfunction to the building management. Immediately call your local emergency number. Early notification of the fire department is important.

The dispatcher will ask questions regarding the emergency. Stay calm and give the dispatcher the information they request. If the door feels warm to the touch, do not attempt to open it. Stay in your apartment or office. Stuff the cracks around the door with towels, rags, bedding or tape and cover vents to keep smoke out.

If there is a phone in the room where you are trapped, call the fire department again to tell them exactly where you are located. Do this even if you can see fire apparatus on the street below. Wait at a window and signal for help with a flashlight or by waving a sheet. If possible, open the window at the top and bottom, but do not break it, you may need to close the window if smoke rushes in.

Be patient. Rescuing all the occupants of a high-rise building can take several hours.

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